Tuesday, October 6, 2020


For many if not most small groups (100 employees or less) the fourth quarter of the year brings plan changes and premium increases.  In and of itself this can be daunting, but if done right the transition should be a time of renewed assurance that what you as an employer are providing is the best for your employees under your current situation.   It is also a time to review other options that add value to your company.  Additional benefits (such as life insurance, long term care, short term disability insurance and others ancillary products) provide a substantial value for your employees at a relatively low cost or no cost to you.  We have found that the more benefits the company offers, (employer sponsored or employee paid), the less likely employees are to leave the employer.  

At Ansa Insurance Services we reinforce these values with your employees at our enrollment meetings.  As your employee's trusted advisors we highlight the benefits you provide and make sure they understand the value of the benefits they are receiving.  It does not matter if you are paying for those extras, they only have access to them through their employment with you.  Please call us today to see how we can help you create a benefits package that will pop!