Thursday, August 30, 2012

Latest News on California's Exchange

On August 23rd the California Health Benefit Exchange received it's third installment of federal funds to the amount of $196 million for a total of $236 million.  The money is to be used to set up the information system of the Exchange.  In other words, the federal government has already spent $236 million dollars just in California to set up the computer software to run the exchange here in California alone. 
On August 24th the exchange failed to reach a decision on the choices small business and their employees would have if using the exchange.  It has been deferred to a later meeting. 

For more information on individual insurance plans as they are right now, please check out our website at or call us at (714)680-5900.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Washington Post - Part 5

The final and last factors, according to the Washington Post's article on August 10, 2012, that would cause premiums to rise due to the health care law are the taxes and fees associated with it.  It is presumed that the costs associated with these fees would be passed down to the purchasers.  The more fees attached to the carriers, the more the rates will increase.

What the article does not mention are the costs associated with caring out this law.  The bureaucracy associated with the law is enormous and will be passed on from the top to the very bottom.  Compliance on every end of the service chain will be tested and possible fined.  It is a law like no other and the unknown costs could be enormous.  Time will tell and we hope we are wrong, but what we see at this point is 16,000 newly hired IRS agents to look for people and companies not complying.  Yet people and companies do not even know what the laws are yet.

We will continue to update you as we get more information.  If you would like to reach either Lisa Boyajian or Angela Gambino you can either call us at (714)680-5900 or find us on the web at .

Friday, August 24, 2012

Washington Post - Part 4

As you have read in our past three posts, the Washington Post on August 10, 2012 published an article on the five factors that may lead to increased premiums due to the passage of the healthcare law.  The fourth factor they wrote about is that insurers must offer an "essential health benefits" package.  The essential benefits provide coverage in ten areas.  These ten areas are:

1)ambulatory patient services 2)emergency services; hospitalization 3)maternity and newborn care 4)mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment 5)prescription drugs 6)rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices 7)laboratory services 8)preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management9)and pediatric services, including oral and 10)vision care.

They are great benefits, but are more than what most individuals and groups purchase and as we all know, the more you get the more you pay.  If you would like to find out more about these plans or current plans you can call us at (714)680-5900 or find us on the web at .

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Washington Post - Part 3

Part 3
If you have read the past two posts you would know that the Washington Post on August 10 had an article on the effect of the health care law on premiums and noted five factors that could/would raise premiums for most individuals.

The third factor is closely related to the second factor but often gets confused as being the same thing, yet it is quite different.  Factor 2 relates to what is known as community rating.  Everyone within a age band pays the same rate.  Factor 3 is the part of the law that forces health carriers to accept  everyone regardless of preexisting conditions.  What this means is that carriers can not turn down anyone and their premiums must be the same as all the healthy individuals.

The end result is that those healthy individual will need to make up the cost difference for all the unhealthy individuals that the carriers were forced to accept.

We will continue to update you on the factors that will increase premiums in future posts so be on the lookout.  If you have any questions or would like to get more information you can reach us at (714)680-5900 or find us at .

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Washington Post - Part 2

On August 10, 2012 the Washington Post reported on five factors that may increase health care premiums with passage of the Affordable Care Act.  We have already written on the first factor.  The second factor that may increase premiums is Community Rating.

Community Rating is the practice of one rate for all in that particular age band.  Carriers can no longer charge more if someone has a problematic health history.  Starting in 2014 everyone will pay the same premium in a given age band.  If a individual, for example,  has diabetes, COPD, or any other chronic disability he or she will pay the same rate as a perfectly healthy individual with out a single health issue.  This will be very good for those that did have health issues, but it means that every healthy individual will now pay more for those that are not healthy.

Look for the next posting to find out more about the ACA and it's impact on premiums.  If you have any questions or would like to get information on health or life insurance please give us a call at (714)680-5900 or check us out at .

Monday, August 20, 2012

Washington Post - Impact of Health Reform Law on Premium

On August 10 the Washington Post examined the ACA and it's effect on health care premiums.  For the next five posts we will examine the five factors that could lead to higher premiums for some/many/all depending which category you fall into.

Factor One:  Premiums could increase for some and decrease for others because of what is known as age banding.  Currently most states (including California) band on a 5:1 ratio.  This means that older individuals pay 5 times more than younger individuals.  Starting in 2014 the new age band ratio will be 3:1 meaning that older individuals will pay 3 times more than younger individual.  In a practical sense younger individuals will pay more for the same insurance and older individuals will pay less.

Look for more information on the health care laws impact to come.  If you would like to reach us at Ansa Insurance Services, you can either call us at (714)680-5900 or find us on the web at .

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Relay for Life - American Cancer Society

It's time again for the Santa Fe Springs Relay for Life.  This wonderful 24 hour event will take place at  Lake Center Athletic Park in Santa Fe Springs on September 28th and 29th.  Just like last year, Lisa Boyajian, will be co-chairing the event. 

If you have never attended a Relay it is a beautiful event and you should take a little time to come and check it out. If you have and are interested in either attending or supporting check out the website at and put in Santa Fe Springs, CA  under Find Event.  You can sign up or just donate, but all proceeds go to The American Cancer Society.  We all have been touched in one way or another by cancer, come do something about it.

To get more information on the Relay for Life, you can contact Lisa Boyajian at (714)680-5900 or email her at .  At Ansa Insurance Services we are committed to doing all we can to make this world a healthier place for all.  Check us out at .

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

One in Three Adults in the U.S. South Are Obese

In an article from AFP published August 14, 2012 on a new study, the rates for adult obesity reach as high as 1 in 3 in Mississippi, Louisiana, West Virginia, and Alabama.  In fact, there are 12 states that have an obesity rate of 30% or higher.  On a sadder note, even in the leanest states 1 in 5 adults are obese. 

So what does all this mean?  Who does it effect?  It means that chronic diseases associated with obesity are on the rise as well, thus affecting the cost of health care across the board for everyone.  It is not simply a matter of it hurting individuals, it hurts us as a nation, it hurts us as a people.  No one wants to send out food police to watch our every bite.  But we do need to work on making better choices over the long run.  It is in our best interest to try and live healthier lives.  We all know what needs to be done - it's on T.V., it's on the web and it's in almost every magazine you pass in the checkout  line.

Insurance companies are working hard to promote healthy lifestyles in classes and programs.  If you are interested in some of these programs call your carrier and get information.  There is an abundance of help out there if you search for it.  We all may not look like fashion models, but we will feel better!

If you would like to get specific information on health plans that offer support and classes for healthy lifestyle, please feel free to call us at (714)680-5900 or find us on the web at .

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

More Good News if You Have Blue Shield

The contract has been finalized!  Starting September 1, 2012 UCLA is back in the network.  If you are currently on Blue Shield and would like to make an appointment with a doctor in the UCLA group, you can make the appointment, just make it for after September 1st.  If you are not sure if your plan allows it, check with member services at Blue Shield.

If you have specific questions on your plan or general questions about health insurance, please feel free to give us a call today at (714)680-5900 or email us at .  You can always find us on the web at .

Friday, August 10, 2012

Transitional Re-Insurance Program

So what is the Transitional Re-Insurance Program?  In a nut shell it is a bureaucracy set up to essentially rob Peter to pay Paul.  It is a program that will be run by either HHS or a given state (if the state so chooses), that administers taking funds from private group insurance plans to compensate individual private plans that are run through the exchanges, but have very high costs associated with them.  How much will this cost private group insurance, who knows at this point?  It will costs though and with the added level of bureaucracy attached to it, it could cost substantially more.  When will this be in place and running?  It is to be up and running when the exchanges come on line in 2014. 

If you would like to get more information on changes coming with the health care law, please continue to follow our blog.  If you have a specific question and would like to get information on either a health plan or life insurance please call us at (714)680-5900 or find us at our website at .

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

News from Kaiser Permanente OC

Big news from Kaiser Permantente in Orange County.  September 12, 2012 is the opening of the Anaheim Medical Center campus for all services including emergency medical care.  Other services that will be provided at the new center include:
  • 262 beds in all private rooms
  • 10 operating rooms
  • Outpatient SurgiCenter
  • Cancer Care Center
  • Women's Health Center
  • 20 private beds in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)
  • Pharmacy, radiology, and lab services
  • 3-acre healing garden
If you would like more information on this Kaiser Medical Center or any other medical centers please contact us at (714)680-5900 or you can email us at .

We are brokers with all major carriers in California, if you want to find out more about Lisa Boyajian or Angela Gambino please check out our website at .

Friday, August 3, 2012

Health Carrier News

What's new with the carriers?  Well for starters (and it's big) Blue Shield is about to finalize it's contracts with the UC campuses.  In the mean time they have extended existing contracts to allow continued in-network services in some cases until August 8th all the way through till December 31, 2012 for some.  UCLA still remains outside of network, but when these current contracts are finalized they will be back in the network!!

For groups, CalChoice has new Anthem Blue Cross plans in their offerings.  Call to check out
what is available.

Lastly Aetna has published it's new individual and family rates for October 1, 2012 effective dates.

As always, we are here to help answer your questions.  If you would like to reach us you may do so at 714-680-5900 or email us at .   For quotes go to our website at .

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

News from Anthem Blue Cross

From time to time we will be updating you on news that is specific to certain carriers.  Today we are writing about Anthem Blue Cross and what is new for them. 
  1. Walgreens returns to In-Network status on September 15, 2012.
  2. Anthem purchased Amerigroup - this will help service those Dual-Eligible individuals and the Medicaid markets in general
  3. Priority Select HMO is here.  It provides a smaller network of providers, while still offering rich benefits to the insured.
Look for future articles on what's new with the other carriers.  If you would like more information on Anthem or any other insurance carrier please call us at (714)680-5900 or check out our website at .  We are at your service!